Colton Lane Substation Upgrade Project
Scope: Constructed a 3000A capacity substation including installation of 138kV electrical bus work.
Location: Austin, Texas
Client: Lower Colorado River Authority
The (“LCRA”) is a non-profit public utility providing water stewardship and energy to more than 70 counties throughout Texas. In July 2018, LCRA contracted Irby to upgrade the capacity of its 138kV Colton Lane Electrical Substation in southeast Travis County, Texas.
Constructed to serve the anticipated load growth of the Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative (Owners of 11,000+ miles of power lines across 14 counties), the Colton Lane substation was successfully upgraded by Irby to its newly rated 3000A capacity within a condensed LCRA schedule and with zero lost time incidents in September 2018.
Start Date: July 2018
Completion Date: September 2018
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